SmartSlope joins Vespa2

We are happy to announce that SmartSlope has join the list of Blocks available in Vespa2. SmartSlope is a living retaining wall, that replaces traditional, impervious concrete with a vertical garden while maintaining structural functionality. When the planted cells have grown out, the wall becomes a landscape.

Vespa2 is Here

New Vespa2 has all of the features of functionality of the original version, with some very important upgrades. Vespa2 includes a detailed, hand-calculation style PDF report that allows the user or reviewer to step through every equation and result in the analysis. Currently, the “Equation Report” is included for NCMA, Reinforced, Conventional and No-Fines Concrete Analysis (Static and Seismic), but will soon be updated to include AASHTO 2015. Another key features incorporated into Vespa2 is the automatic BDF and GDF File updates. The BDF (Block Definition File) and GDF (Geogrid Definition Files) will now be automatically updated with all of the latest Block and Geogrid information.

Vespa v1 – End-of-Life Notice

The original Vespa MSE design software (version 1.xx) and Vespa.LT will reach its end of life on September 1, 2018 and will no longer receive any updates after that date. You may continue to use the software, however it will no long be updated with current partner information or features. To receive the most up-to-date version please purchase and update your subscription to Vespa2. The feedback we received from our users was instrumental the success of the original Vespa and we would like to thank all the early adoptors.

Check Out all the Great Features in the New Version of Vespa

Easy-To-Use Stations Interface

The New STATIONS TAB Data Entry Interface allows users to quickly and easily input stations data in the new spreadsheet style table using the TAB key. The Stations tab has been simplified and expanded. And data can now be imported directly to the Stations table from a spreadsheet .CSV file using the “Import” function or by copy & pasting cells from a spreadsheet. Additionally, Users now have the option to enter grading information either as Crest Geometry, Toe Geometry or as a Slope.

Filter Fabric Added to Quantity Estimates

Quantity estimates can now include the Filter Fabric that encapsulates the reinforced zone. The use can define the Filter Lap Width to accurately generate the area of fabric required along the entire length of the Wall.

Updated Geogrid Editing Functionality

Vespa now has the ability to select Multiple Panels by using the SHIFT key to Selected Panels. The Geogrid Length & Type can then be modified for all Cyan highlighted panels using the corresponding Edit Functions.

NEW Updated ReSSA Output

The ReSSA output has been upgraded to explicitly account for the % Tavail at the Face of the Wall. The .RSA output file now includes the ratio of Tconn/Tavail for each layer of Geogrid to more accurately represent facing connection data.

Look for us in Civil Engineering Magazine

Look for our ad in the March issue of Civil Engineering Magazine For 15% OFF all CTi Software products

Vespa.LT Now Available

Vespa.LT is specifically suited to meet the demands of MSE Engineers & Designers that are NOT involved with DOT projects that would require AASHTO LRFD analysis. Vespa.LT is an affordable alternative and offers the same features and benefits as Vespa while utilizing the NCMA Design Methodology, typically accepted for most private sector projects.

Vespa Update v1.11.11

Update your version of Vespa now and gain access to the great new features and improvments.

  • Improved Grid Grouping function
  • Automatic Geogrid Generation
  • Additional Shortcuts and Hot Keys

Download the the most recent version from our Update Section.

Vespa Update

We’ve made improvements to increase your productivity.

  • Manual Grouping feature
  • Additional keyboard / right-click menu changes and related functionality
  • New help files

Download the the most recent version from our Update Section.

Bologna 2013

CTi Software is proud to support the upcoming “International Symposium on Design and Practice of Geosynethic-Reinforced Soils Structures, honouring Research Achievements of Professor Dov Leshchinsky.

The Symposium is organized under the Auspices of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering (DICAM), University of Bologna, Italian Geotechnical Association, ASCE Geo-Institute, International Geosynthetics Society,Technical Committees TC 101 (Laboratory Stress Strength Testing of Geomaterials) & TC 305 (Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals) of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, and three Japanese research institutes (Public Works Research Institute, Railway Technical Research Institute and National Institute for Rural Engineering).

Topics covered will include:

  • Geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining walls
  • Geosynthetic-reinforced soil slopes
  • Construction of reinforced embankments over soft soil
  • Geotextile tubes
  • Geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures for railways and highways
  • Properties of backfill soils, geosynthetics, and soil-geosynthetic interaction

We hope to see many of the Vespa Users at the conference and look forward to learning together.

Vespa Update – Automatic Updates

In a continuing effort to keep our customers up-to-date, we have added a check for updates feature to Vespa. You will now be automatically informed when an update is available.

Download the the most recent version from our Update Section and never miss an update again.