What if the Stations Command does not allow me to input values?

In the Command Line enter “ATTREQ” and Set it to 1

Why won’t my Vespa Software successfully activate?

The most common activation issue for new installations of the Vespa software is it being blocked by antivirus/firewall software. Although the Vespa software is perfectly safe, it does require access to the internet for verification and update checks.

You can check/solve the problem by temporarily disabling any firewall software that may be running, and trying the Vespa activation again. If successful, the Vespa .EXE file will need to be added to the approved/trusted software list in the antivirus/firewall software for future activation and update checks to function.

NOTE: If you are trying to move the Vespa software to a new computer, you may be experiencing activation issues because you have exceeded your Vespa activation limit (2 activations per licence key). Please contact CTi Software support at support@ctiware.com for assistance.

How do I Backup my Vespa Database?

Vespa utilizes a back-end database to store all data. As with any data, it is important to backup this database occasionally. The Vespa Back-End database resides in the “Application Data” directory of Windows.

The “AppData” folders differ depending on the version of Windows, but can be located by going to Windows Explorer and entering %appdata% in the address bar. Once in the AppData directory, locate the subdirectory Vespa>Data. This is the directory that should be backed up, and contains all database information for the Vespa software.

To reinstall or install Vespa on a new computer, paste the copy of this directory to the same location, overriding the existing directory that was created at installation.

Is there a way to change the 10% minimum embedment when generating a wall profile?

To manually adjust the minimum embedment of the wall, go to “Wall Settings” under the “Panels” Tab. The “Min. Embedment” can be input as an actual value (mm), OR input as a percentage (%) of the Wall Height. Once changed you must press “Generate” for the changes to take effect and re-panelize the Wall.

To adjust the min. embedment of a specific Panel, go to the “Panels” Tab. Click to select (Ctrl or Shift Click to select multiple) the panel(s) you wish to change. Now adjust the values in the “Panel Settings” and hit “Apply”

Vespa will not allow input values that are less than the minimum default base on the design criteria. Min. Embedment as a percentage may not be available with all design methodologies.

What is the intention of Grid Groups and how do I utilize it?

The main function of the Grid Groups (Auto Grid Group) is to organize your Geogrid layout into “groups” to help the Contractor easily follow your retaining wall design.

Within a length of wall, there may be the first 10 panels with a grid length of 5 ft, then the next 15 panels with a grid length of 8 ft and a third group of panels with a grid length of 10 ft. Once the wall is designed, hit the “Grid Groups” button and Vespa will automatically review the grid layout information and classify them according to the grid length (groups A, B, C, etc.)
When the DXF output and PDF report is created, the elevation view of the Wall is displayed with these labels, making it straightforward for the contractor to know when to change the length of Grid.

To manually label a group of panels use the “Add Group”, button (beside the “Auto Grid Group” button). For example, if there is a portion of Wall (panels 10-23) that has a 3:1 slope above it, select this group of Panels (holding down the SHIFT key and selecting all the panels in that range by clicking on the first, then the last panel) and Label it “A” with a description of “This area has a 3H:1V Slope above it”. This will help detail and clarify the Elevation View for the contractor.

When I use the “Load Project From…” command in the File Menu, Vespa creates a duplicate of that Project. When I Open Project, I see many versions of the same project listed under that Client. Which one is the last one?

The newest version of Vespa ( allows the user the option of either Creating a New Project OR Adding the Project as a New Revision within the same project. This way, as you load a new Project File, it will be kept in a chronological sequence in the revision table and all under the same Project Name.

When I try to change to the Folder Path for the Project Files to somewhere other than my local drive (i.e. to a Network), the Network does not appear.

To set a folder path, go into your Settings/Options/Other and you will see the address for the Project Root Folder. This is the root folder that will be used to create your project folder for each NEW project. If you want to change this to a location on your Network and when you click the “Browse for Folder” icon your Network is not shown as an option, do the following:

1. Using Explore, go to the Network location directory you want to save Vespa Files in and copy the address (i.e. Z:\CTi Software\Main Server\).
2. Open Vespa, go to Settings/Options/Other and PASTE this address in the Root Folder Path.

From now on, whenever you start a new project, this new Root Folder Path will be used to create the Project Folder Path in the Project Tab.

Is Training for Vespa/AWall available?

Yes. CTi can offer online training sessions for you or your firm.  Typically a general review and introduction session with Vespa takes between 1-2 hrs and is subject to a hourly fee that can be negotiated as part of your Vespa purchase. Pleas visit the Support Section for more information.

Can Vespa handle more than 1 wall in each Project File?

Yes.  Vespa has been designed to allow an unlimited number of individual Wall designs within a given Project.  This functionality usually results in significant time savings as important Project specific design parameters can be easily copied from one Wall to another, as is often the case on a site.

How many computers can I put Vespa on?

Vespa’s advanced security allows the user to install it on two different computers under the same user name, such as a desktop and laptop.  If a firm wishes to purchase multiple copies of Vespa, please contact support@ctiware.com for information on pricing and discounts.

When I buy Vespa or AWall, do I automatically get new updates for free?

Yes.  A Subscription to Vespa and AWall entitles the user to free updates. When a new version of Vespa is available, Vespa will automatically notify the user and ask if they want to update. Visit the Update section to find the newest version.

Is Vespa locked to only include certain SRW products and Geosynthetics?

No.  While Vespa does contain many industry leading SRW Systems and Reinforcements, it is completely open to create new User Defined Blocks and Geosynthetics.  If new data comes available regarding a Partner product, new Block Data Files (BDFs) will be available online on our Download Section.

Does Vespa generate quantity estimates?

Yes.  Vespa provides detailed quantity estimates of block, geogrid, base material, block infill material, reinforced zone, and retained zone fill.